Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Cloverfield: To go or not to go?

Since the rush to see the film has died down quite a bit, I decided to check out "Cloverfield" on Wednesday night and was not disappointed.

This was a classic case of a movie that really got you excited to see it, yet you didn't know a whole lot about the plot and had no clue what was attacking New York City (that is unless you did a ton of research before you went to go see it).

I had seen more negative than positive reviews of the film courtesy of publications like "Rolling Stone" and in syndicated columns by Robert Ebert. The film was even panned early on by fans on the popular website comparing the camera work to "The Blair Witch Project" and that the action was overdone a bit too much.

Five weeks and $78 million later, the film has to be considered a success with just a budget of $25 million.

I will say this...don't see this movie at the theatre or on DVD later if you get motion sick really easy. If you can handle it, you will enjoy the movie and won't have a problem. However, if you are fan of seeing a story told from a different perspective and enjoy getting a majority of the plot out of the way in the first 20 minutes or so, then I highly reccommend it.

"Cloverfield" definitely follows the pattern of past tragedy films where something happens and you are along for the ride with the characters. It takes that formula (think about all the zombie movies that have come out in the last few years), but puts it right in the middle of New York City along with other screaming and confused bystanders. While there are moments where the action stops and gives you a chance to catch your breath so to speak, you are still left with more questions than answers as the fast pace of the movie continues.

One scene in particular was eerily similar to the famous video footage from September 11th when a cloud of dust and smoke fills a city block. Seeing people covered in dust coughing and confused takes you right back to one of the darkest days in the history of the U.S. and marks just the beginning of a wild ride.

If you are a fan on nonstop action and confusion (not plot wise), I highly suggest checking out "Cloverfield" before it leaves theatres soon. This is a movie you have to experience on the big screen as the small screen won't be able to do it much justice.

Final Verdict: See it!

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