Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Break = Catching up on Movies!

While most University of Iowa students were away for Spring Break and catching up on lost time in the sun, I decided to save some money and catch up on movies I didn't see yet (on a brand new 50 inch Samsung plasma TV no less!). Here is a quick review and recommendations of the movies I watched:

Eastern Promises: This movie was the direct opposite of what I thought it was going to be like. I expected a lot of "gangster action" with various gun and fight scenes. What I got was actually a lot different, yet still very entertaining and one of the better movies I've seen in a long time. Viggo Mortensen was very good and very convincing in his role as the driver for the Vory V Zakone criminal brotherhood. This is one of those movies where everyone said it was good and it actually lived up to the hype. Verdict: See it!

Shoot 'Em Up: If anyone has seen tons of action movies and is ready for a movie that blatantly makes fun of the often impossible-feats many action stars achieve, then this movie is a must see. Clive Owen has become one of my favorite actors after starring in great movies like Sin City, Derailed, Inside Man and Children of Men. Owen again keeps it entertaining in this movie bringing a unique sense of humor to a very violent atmosphere. I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun watching an action movie. Verdict: See it!

The Bourne Ultimatum: I was a huge fan of the two previous films (The Bourne Identity & The Bourne Supremacy) and had big expectations going into this third movie. Once again I continue to be impressed with the way these movies are shot and how the plot keeps you entertained. The fight scenes in this film were top notch and the behind-the-scenes content on the DVD was great in seeing how everything was put together. This is yet again another great addition to the Jason Bourne franchise and Matt Damon has a winner with these movies. The best aspect of the movie is the ending, which I won't spoil, but it will put a smile on anyone's face who have seen the two previous movies. Verdict: See it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

iTunes: Not just for music anymore

Iowa City provides many movie rental businesses including Blockbuster, Family Video, and Movie Gallery. But what is better than being able to rent a movie from your dorm, apartment, or house without having to leave?

iTunes has provided movies for purchase for about a year now, but now they have ventured into the movie rental business!

Now, some of you might be thinking that we already have plenty of at-home rental possibilities, like On Demand and Netflix. However, what if I told you that you could rent from home without an annoying monthly fee and outrageous per-rental prices?

iTunes provides movie rentals for only $2.99 for older movies and $3.99 for new releases. This is a full 1-2 dollars cheaper than On Demand rentals and it's only a one-time fee, so no paying for months when you don't rent any movies!

iTunes rentals are also practical for college students on the go. If you're going on a long trip, or just want to watch something during class, you can transfer your rentals onto your ipod, itouch, or iphone. After your rental is up, it will disappear from your ipod!

I've tried it myself and trust me, iTunes is the easiest, cheapest, LEGAL way to get movies in your own home.

Drillbit Taylor; Comedy on a Different Platter

What is not to love about an overweight soon-to-be freshman who loves to talk like he’s from the hood, or how about his friend who clenches his biceps with a 60 pound body? With the release of Drillbit Taylor on March 21st, there came many expectations since it was produced by Judd Apatow and co-wrote by Seth Rogen, the same pair who created 40-Year-Old Virgin, Superbad, and Knocked Up. But one reaction by The Daily Iowan reporter Anna Wiegenstein in particular, didn’t find is rated up to par (Link to article).

According to Wiegenstein, the movie’s rating of PG-13 put it at a disadvantage, compared to other movies like Knocked Up, which according from the live labor scene had no limits. However, the story of Drillbit Taylor involves three boys who are stepping into the jungle of high school with bullies, which prompts them to hire a bodyguard. I’m pretty sure that the freshman boys in high school won’t be divulging themselves in illicit drugs or meeting girls at bars. The characters from the Drillbit Taylor are at a different age level than the boys of Superbad. And therefore, the movie needs to fit to the characters.

Even when the movie does fit to the boys’ immature outlook on life, it does well in creating comedy in what boys could come up with during dangerous situations. There is no need for topics like sex, drugs, or alcohol. It is enough when you see a young, overweight, smart-talking boy try to have a rap-off like Eminem in 8 Mile. Or how about when bodyguard Owen Wilson teaches the three boys his special techniques like the “hold me back” method, which in the end only gives the scrawny boy a black eye. Even when two of the boys end up wearing the same shirt on the first day of school on accident, I had to laugh when the bus driver asked them if there was a sale of “2 for 1 at Hot Topic.”

Ultimately, I haven’t seen too many movies come up with the idea of a low-price, homeless, and careless bodyguard for three scared and naive teenage boys.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Jump on the Blu-ray bandwagon!

If you haven't seen a movie in Blu-ray, you are truly missing out on a unique movie experience.

"I'm never going back to regular DVD's again," said Iowa City Kirkwood student Jordan Stamy.

First launched in June of 2006, Blu-ray discs were designed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition (HD) video with much larger storage amounts of data.

In comparison with other formats, Blu-ray technology uses a blue-violet laser as opposed to current technology that relies on a red laser to read and write data for technologies like DVD, DVD+R, DVD+RW and DVD-RAM.

"The background detail is amazing. Everything is so much sharper. The detail is literally ridiculous," said Stamy.

Warner Brothers, Disney, Fox, Paramount, Sony, Lionsgate and MGM have all ceased making movies for the HD DVD format and have now gone Blu-ray exclusive.

Maybe it is time we all go exclusive with this new DVD format!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gossip should always be FREE!

If University of Iowa students are anything like my sister and I, then they are ADDICTED to celebrity gossip. My sister is so addicted that she shells out over $50 for a subscription to US Magazine every year!

However, for those money-conscious, college-attending, gossip-addicted people out there, you can get your celebrity news for FREE online.

PinkIsTheNewBLog and PerezHilton are just two of the greatest celebrity gossip websites available at no cost.

My personal favorite, PinkIsTheNewBlog, is written by a very people-friendly guy, Trent. Trent writes as if he has a personal relationship with each and every one of his readers. Not only does he bring you all of the up to date celebrity gossip, but he adds his personal opinion in a very polite and interesting way. He is so lighthearted and friendly when it comes to his gossip, (even the negative stuff), that many celebrities admit to frequenting his website to keep up with their gossip.

If you are more into good, old-fashioned, celebrity bashing, then you should visit Perez Hilton's website at Perez Hilton has made many enemies with his harsh critiques and not so nice comments about todays celebrities, but to us normal folks it is horribly entertaining.

For example, recently Hilton posted a picture of Gollum from Lord of the Rings and a picture of the soon to be former New York Senator Eliot Spitzer, pointing out the obvious similarities between the two photos. Oh and he also claims they were separated at birth.

If this sounds like your kind of reading material, then head on over to either website for some free chuckles and oh my gosh's. Who says you have to pay for gossip these days!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oscar's Best... FREE!

That's right: the Oscar-sweeping movie of the year, No Country for Old Men, is coming to a theater near you - for free.

The movie, directed by the Coen brothers, will play free of charge Thursday night at the Iowa Memorial Union at 9:00 p.m. in the Illinois Room. Seats are on a first come, first serve basis so be sure to get there a little earlier if you don't want to stand.

Having seen the movie before, I would definitely recommend it - it's about two hours long and follows the life of an ordinary man after he finds the scene of a drug deal that has gone extraordinarily wrong.

The movie moves a little slow at parts but overall has some really good themes behind the action that spawn a lot of conversation between friends when the lights come back on.

But don't take my word - go see it for yourself FREE and let me know what you thought!

Worthy of movie of the year???

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Film Festival comes to Cedar Rapids

The Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival returns to Eastern Iowa on April 4 and 5 at Collins Road Theatres (1462 Twixt Town Rd. in Marion). The event is open to the public.

Over 40 films will be on display and all with some connection to Iowa - either being made in the state or from around the country.

The films slated to be involved will include feature shorts, documentaries, music videos, animations and experimental films. Three of the films were made in Iowa City.

From Big Screen to MP3 Scene.... Straight to your Computer

Trent Reznor, the brains behind popular rock/electronic group Nine Inch Nails, released his latest Cd, Ghosts I-IV, on Sunday.

The Cd, currently available only through a download on the band's website , is being released by one of the many new ways that artists are trying to get their content out to their wide ranging audience without the help of a giant media label [Reznor used to be under the Interscope Records label].

Because Reznor had a little bit more free space to work with since he wasn't attached to a record label, there are a variety of options available to his fans for his new album. The songs, 36 in all, are available for $5 download or fans can download the first 9 for free. For those feeling extra saucy, Reznor added in deluxe packages - the highest being $300 and including the tracks on Vinyl as well as Reznor's autograph.

One report has shown that all of the 2,500 deluxe packages have already sold out, meaning from the deluxe packages alone, NIN has grossed $750,000. One could only assume that with the additional downloads the band has already made over a million dollars - - and not a penny goes to a giant label.

Although NIN has been around for over 10 years, the band's eye-popping figures might soon catch on and encourage bands all over to drop their major record labels and become independent once again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Iowa City's New Inforama

Ever wish that there was one website that could answer all your questions about which bars have specials on what nights, or what events were happening around Iowa City?

Well guess what. It does exist at

OurCampus360 advertises itself as being the "premiere spot for all things Iowa City." Not only does it offer all the information you could ever want about bars and events, but it also includes info about dining, campus activities, concerts, art and more!

OurCampus360 is a brand new website established by college students for college students, making it the best website to go to when you just want to know what to do on Friday night.

Not only is the information open and available to everyone, but if you are over 18 years of age, you can register for free and create your own profile at OurCampus360. Creating a profile allows you to add friends, post to the open forum board, and create your own personalized calendar so that your friends know what you are doing for the weekend. If you want to know what bar your friends are going to on Friday night, now you can find out.

There's also nothing better than getting exclusive coupons to some of your favorite places. Businesses such as Pizza Hut, Wig and Pen East, and the Futon Shop have coupons available at OurCampus360. Just sign on and click away for free savings!

OurCampus360 is still fairly new, so tell your friends and sign up together. Pretty soon everyone will have plans for Friday night!