Wednesday, April 30, 2008

American Movie Classics just can't seem to define "classic"

Are you freaking kidding me!!!!!

Okay, I'll admit, I'm a little quirky. There are a lot of little things that really get under my skin and bother me to no end, here is one: how the hell does the channel, American Movie Classics, determine a movie to be a classic because their criteria sucks.

Pictured above is the movie poster to "Autumn in New York" an abysmal 22% on Rotten Tomatoes (in case you don't know, Rotten Tomatoes pools the opinions of both movie critics and the public to rank a movie) which puts it 15% behind the breathtaking classic that is "Space Jam" and yet Autumn in New York is an American Movie Classic.

"Spy Hard", one of Leslie Nielsen's 700 spoof films, is even lower coming in at 5% (that's lower than "Gigli" for God's sake) and yet it is an American Movie Classic. AMC does have classics like "The Good , the Bad and the Ugly" and "The French Connection," but for every "Death Wish" they play (78% on Rotten Tomatoes) there is also "Death Wish 4: The Crackdown" (17%)

It's probably blasphemy, but Chuck Norris' movies aren't American Classics

And that brings me to another thing: AMC stop playing crappy sequels to good movies. In May, AMC is playing five different "Death Wish" movies. The fifth one didn't even make two million dollars. AMC is even playing sequels to movies that weren't even good in the first place. Despite starring the great Chuck Norris, "Missing in Action" earned a 23%, its sequel isn't even ranked by Rotten Tomatoes.

So gosh darn it AMC start playing some good movies for once, or people are going to have to start watching Turner Classic Movies and nobody wants to do that. Nobody.

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